Joyful Money

Welcome to ”Joyful Money”, the podcast that transforms the way you think about business. Hosted by Joy Rowland, this show is your go-to resource for building a business that thrives on joy, not stress. Each episode is packed with actionable insights and inspiring stories from extraordinary entrepreneurs who have found success by sharing their unique gifts and talents with the world. Discover how to create a business that not only brings financial prosperity but also personal fulfillment and happiness. Join us every week as we delve into the secrets of joyful business building, featuring interviews with impactful business owners who are making a difference and loving every moment of it. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, Joyful Money will guide you towards a path of less anxiety and more joy in your business journey. Tune in to ”Joyful Money” to transform your mindset, learn how to make money joyfully and start cultivating a wealthier, happier you, in business and in life! Visit the website: ✨✨ ✨✨

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4 days ago

In the competitive landscape of business, one of the primary goals for any business owner is to secure a steady stream of paid clients. Whether you're a coach, consultant or business owner, understanding and implementing effective strategies to attract and retain clients is crucial. Tune in to today's episode to find out exactly how to get more paid clients.
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7 days ago

Abundance is more than just financial wealth; it encompasses a sense of well-being, fulfillment, and prosperity in all areas of life. Achieving true abundance requires a blend of mindset, strategic action, and the willingness to adapt and grow. Here’s a comprehensive guide to making abundance a reality in your life.
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69. How To Get What You Want

Thursday Jun 06, 2024

Thursday Jun 06, 2024

Today, we're tackling a topic that resonates with all of us: achieving our dreams and desires. We all have aspirations, but turning those dreams into reality often feels challenging. The truth is, we have the power to create the life we want. Yes, ANY result you desire is within your reach.
So, how do we make it happen? The difference between wishing for something and actually achieving it lies in commitment. While wanting is easy and passive, committing is where the magic happens. It’s active, solution-focused, and leads to real results.
In this session, we will explore the steps to move from merely wanting something to fully committing to making it happen. By reflecting on your deepest desires and understanding what truly matters to you, you lay the foundation for meaningful change.
Are you ready to stop wanting and start committing? Let’s dive in and discover how to transform your dreams into reality.
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Monday Jun 03, 2024

Embarking on a journey in the business world requires a unique blend of vision, resilience, and, most importantly, confidence. The audacity to dream big and the conviction to turn those dreams into
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Thursday May 30, 2024

Emily McHugh is widely known as The Supercharge Coach.
This was an Instagram Live we did which was so good I thought my podcast listeners needed to hear it.
In this episode, we'll explore what it takes to build a successful business in 2024.
Tune in to this episode to get all the details.
Emily is generously giving away a special gift.
Grab it here -
Connect with Emily McHugh:
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Monday May 27, 2024

Dana-Sofie is a Cycle Success Catalyst.
She is an accomplished author of multiple books, a coach, speaker and entrepreneur.
She is the creator of the Cycle Success Method that has helped so many women all around the world leverage their monthly cycles to create success in business.
In this episode, we'll explore how to master your monthly cycle to create wealth.
Tune in to this episode to get all the details.
Free Cycle Success Planning Technique - 
Get various colourful cyclic magnets here - 
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Thursday May 23, 2024

Embarking on the journey of entrepreneurship is akin to setting sail on an uncharted sea.
As a solopreneur, you are the captain, navigator, and crew, all rolled into one. The thrill of independence, the joy of building something from scratch, and the freedom to steer your own ship are unparalleled. However, as your venture gains momentum, the challenges of wearing multiple hats become apparent. The transition from a solopreneur to a CEO marks a pivotal point in your business journey, one that demands strategic thinking, leadership, and a scalable vision. 
In this episode, we'll explore how you can make this transformation efficiently and effectively..
Tune in to this episode to get all the details.
Attend my workshop to learn how to leverage A.I. in your business - 
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64. Baggage Claim

Monday May 20, 2024

Monday May 20, 2024

We all arrive at adulthood with baggage from our childhood—emotional imprints of our past experiences. This baggage can range from self-doubt instilled by critical caregivers to deep-seated fears born from early failures. As we stand at the threshold of entrepreneurship, these invisible burdens can weigh heavily, potentially impeding our progress. However, the key to becoming a successful entrepreneur lies in recognizing and releasing this baggage. Only then can we step forward with clarity, confidence, and creativity.
In this episode, we'll explore how you can let go of the baggage holding you back.
Tune in to this episode to get all the details.
Find details on how to grab a free guest pass here - 
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Thursday May 16, 2024

In the pursuit of abundance, people often focus on hard work, business strategy, and rigorous financial planning.
While these elements are undeniably important, there's a subtler, often overlooked factor that can dramatically influence your financial success: the environment of joy.
A joyful environment not only enhances your quality of life but also acts as a magnet for prosperity. 
In this episode, we'll explore why and how you can harness this powerful principle to unlock more abundance.
Tune in to this episode to find out how.
Find details on how to grab a free guest pass here - 
We are celebrating 1000 podcast downloads.
Find details on how to win $1000 cash in my giveaway here -
Next Steps:
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Monday May 13, 2024

Feeling like an imposter is a common experience that many people face at some point in their lives.
Whether it's in the workplace, social circles, or even within ourselves, the fear of being exposed as inadequate or unworthy can be crippling. However, it's crucial to recognize that this feeling is not a reflection of reality but rather a manifestation of our inner doubts and insecurities.
In this episode, we'll explore how to shift from feeling like an imposter to feeling empowered, confident, and deserving of success.
Tune in to this episode to find out how.
Find details on how to grab a free guest pass here - 
We are celebrating 1000 podcast downloads.
Find details on how to win $1000 cash in my giveaway here -
Next Steps:
✔️ Join my Income Accelerator Mastermind: 
✔️Join The Facebook Group -
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✔️ Follow Joy on Instagram: 
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