Joyful Money

Welcome to ”Joyful Money”, the podcast that transforms the way you think about business. Hosted by Joy Rowland, this show is your go-to resource for building a business that thrives on joy, not stress. Each episode is packed with actionable insights and inspiring stories from extraordinary entrepreneurs who have found success by sharing their unique gifts and talents with the world. Discover how to create a business that not only brings financial prosperity but also personal fulfillment and happiness. Join us every week as we delve into the secrets of joyful business building, featuring interviews with impactful business owners who are making a difference and loving every moment of it. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, Joyful Money will guide you towards a path of less anxiety and more joy in your business journey. Tune in to ”Joyful Money” to transform your mindset, learn how to make money joyfully and start cultivating a wealthier, happier you, in business and in life! Visit the website: ✨✨ ✨✨

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64. Baggage Claim

Monday May 20, 2024

Monday May 20, 2024

We all arrive at adulthood with baggage from our childhood—emotional imprints of our past experiences. This baggage can range from self-doubt instilled by critical caregivers to deep-seated fears born from early failures. As we stand at the threshold of entrepreneurship, these invisible burdens can weigh heavily, potentially impeding our progress. However, the key to becoming a successful entrepreneur lies in recognizing and releasing this baggage. Only then can we step forward with clarity, confidence, and creativity.
In this episode, we'll explore how you can let go of the baggage holding you back.
Tune in to this episode to get all the details.
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Thursday May 16, 2024

In the pursuit of abundance, people often focus on hard work, business strategy, and rigorous financial planning.
While these elements are undeniably important, there's a subtler, often overlooked factor that can dramatically influence your financial success: the environment of joy.
A joyful environment not only enhances your quality of life but also acts as a magnet for prosperity. 
In this episode, we'll explore why and how you can harness this powerful principle to unlock more abundance.
Tune in to this episode to find out how.
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We are celebrating 1000 podcast downloads.
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Monday May 13, 2024

Feeling like an imposter is a common experience that many people face at some point in their lives.
Whether it's in the workplace, social circles, or even within ourselves, the fear of being exposed as inadequate or unworthy can be crippling. However, it's crucial to recognize that this feeling is not a reflection of reality but rather a manifestation of our inner doubts and insecurities.
In this episode, we'll explore how to shift from feeling like an imposter to feeling empowered, confident, and deserving of success.
Tune in to this episode to find out how.
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We are celebrating 1000 podcast downloads.
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Thursday May 09, 2024

Are you tired of just surviving day by day, feeling like life is passing you by? It's time to shift gears and start thriving! Today marks the beginning of your journey toward a life filled with purpose, passion, and fulfillment.
Thriving isn't just about achieving success in one aspect of your life; it's about creating a harmonious balance between your personal and professional aspirations. It's about waking up each morning with a sense of excitement for what the day will bring, rather than dreading the monotony of routine.
So, how do you start thriving instead of merely surviving?
Tune in to this episode to find out how.
FREE 2-Day LIVE Event - 
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We are celebrating 1000 podcast downloads.
Find details on how to win $1000 cash in my giveaway here -
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Monday May 06, 2024

Are you ready to transform your entrepreneurial journey into a source of joy and success?
Tune into this enlightening episode of "Joyful Money," where we delve deep into the art of creating a business that not only thrives financially but also enriches your life. Join us as we explore practical strategies that highlight how aligning your passion, values, and personal goals can result in a business you truly love.
In today's episode, we'll uncover the secrets to:
Finding and nurturing your passion to ensure that your business reflects what truly matters to you.
Designing a business model that seamlessly integrates with your personal values and lifestyle, fostering both satisfaction and high performance.
Implementing stress-free financial practices that support sustainable growth and freedom from overwhelming burdens.
FREE 2-Day Income Accelerator Event - 
Find details on how to grab a free guest pass here - 
We are celebrating 1000 podcast downloads.
Find details on how to win $1000 cash in my giveaway here -
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59. Can Money Be Joyful?

Thursday May 02, 2024

Thursday May 02, 2024

Money is often seen as a source of stress rather than joy. The endless bills, the daunting debt, the elusive goals—these facets of financial life can overshadow the pleasure and satisfaction that money can actually bring. Yet, it’s entirely possible to transform this relationship with money, turning it into a joyful, enriching part of your life. 
Tune in to learn how you can start making money joyful.*****************
We are celebrating 1000 podcast downloads.Find details on how to win $1000 cash in my giveaway here -
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Monday Apr 29, 2024

Many women struggle to make headway in their finances. They are stuck in the same cycle over and over again. They say making money and become rich feels so hard.
Tune in to learn the real reason becoming rich feels so hard.*****************
We are celebrating 1000 podcast downloads.Find details on how to win $1000 cash in my giveaway here -
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Thursday Apr 25, 2024

In your quest to build wealth, success isn't just about knowing what to do; it's about consistently applying that knowledge over time. The challenge for many women lies not in understanding financial principles, but in making those habits stick. Whether it's budgeting, saving, investing, or paying off debt, the key to achieving financial goals lies in developing sustainable habits. 
Tune in to learn how you can make your financial habits stick for the long haul.*****************
We are celebrating 1000 podcast downloads.Find details on how to win $1000 cash in my giveaway here -
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Monday Apr 22, 2024

Many of us have a money setpoint—a subconscious level of income and wealth that we're comfortable with. It's like a thermostat for our finances; when we exceed it, we find ways to bring ourselves back down, and when we fall below, we strive to increase our earnings. However, breaking through this setpoint is essential for achieving financial freedom and reaching our full potential. In this episode, we'll explore strategies to challenge and transcend your money setpoint to attain greater prosperity.*****************
We are celebrating 1000 podcast downloads.Find details on how to win $1000 cash in my giveaway here -
Next Steps:
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Thursday Apr 18, 2024

Do you know you can guarantee your success? You can make success inevitable.In today's episode, I share exactly how to make success and wealth inevitable for you. We are celebrating 1000 podcast downloads.Find details on how to win $1000 cash in my giveaway here -
Next Steps:
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